Renting Tips for Students

It doesn’t matter if you’re searching for apartments near Metro State University or any other institution of higher learning across the country. One of the greatest banes of a college student’s existence is trying to track down reasonable housing. One the one hand, you’ve got to make sure it’s affordable. On the other, you want to get a place that’s well-equipped with the features you need to make the most of the experience.
Suffice to say, it’s a difficult balancing act, and there are often more considerations you’ll need to pay attention to beyond the tradeoff between comfort and affordability. With that in mind, we’ve assembled some top tips for college students looking to rent. Read on, and if you’ve got the urge to find a great college apartment, apply some of this knowledge while you’re on your search.
Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute
There’s little doubt you’ve had the evils of procrastination drilled into your head from a young age. Waiting until the last minute is like shooting yourself in the foot when it comes to an apartment search, so you should make sure you start early to maximize your chances of getting an apartment that’s in line with your preferences.
Remember that a serious apartment search will require you to do more than look at a map and list off apartments that you think might be a good match. You’ve got to hit the streets, get a feel for the neighborhoods, and ascertain if the lifestyle they offer is one that will accommodate your personality.
Obviously, all that legwork is going to take time, so as soon as you know you’re going to be in the market for a new apartment, get to work. Don’t delay, and you’ll find that the old saying, “the early bird gets the worm,” has hung around for a reason.
Make a List of Your Preferences
If you don’t know what you’re looking for, there’s a good chance you’ll end up stuck while you’re looking for new apartments. The answer? Make a list of essentials and perks before you set out on your search.
There are “must haves,” like working plumbing and electricity, a safe neighborhood, etc. and then there are your preferences, the things you’d like to have that are unique to you and your personality. You might put a high premium on having an in-house fitness center, or a place where you can stretch out and get some work done.
Make sure you’re as detailed as you can be when creating your list, then, when you’re on your apartment search, compare the locations you’re looking at to your “dream apartment.” Make a note of which apartments match what you want the best, and rank your options in order of what appeals to you the most.
Keep Your Options Open
What happens when your “plan A” falls through? Do you have a “plan b,” or “plan c” to fall back on? When you’re apartment hunting, things might not always go the way you first anticipated, so it’s a great idea to have multiple options on the table in case your first choice happens to fall through.
Have That Deposit Ready (and Make Sure You Can Pay the Rent)
As with any big life move, money comes into the equation when you’re talking about renting an apartment. The first hurdle is making sure you have the necessary deposit together, which can range depending on the apartment you’re after. Make sure you’re not aiming for something that’s “above your weight class,” though, and you should be fine as long as you’re keen on saving what you need.
And remember that a competent strategy for saving money will be helpful down the line. To stay in your apartment, you’ll need to stay current on your rent. Making sure you have money in the bank can help in the event that your income becomes tight and you need to pay the bill. Not saying it’s a certainty, but having all your bases covered will go a long way in keeping you secure.
And you’ll also need to work out how much your rent will consume your monthly income before committing to any one option. As Best Colleges notes:
“In 2010, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) worked out the average amount a U.S. renter spends on housing, utilities, food, healthcare, and entertainment in a year. Of the $33,460 identified as average annual expenditures, $12,843, or 38.3%, went towards rent, making it the largest expenditure.”
Will you have enough left over to take care of your remaining expenses? Just because you can technically afford to pay the rent doesn’t mean you can afford to live in the apartment so be sure to set your budget beforehand to avoid disappointment.
Read Your Paperwork Carefully
Last, but certainly not least, you’ll want to make sure you understand what you’re getting into in its entirety. Make sure you get that lease in writing, then read over the whole document before signing your name on the dotted line.
While it’s true much of what your lease contains will be standard stuff, it’s standard stuff you’ll need to be aware of. General information like when your rent is due, penalties for being late on said rent, etc. are contained therein. Your lease will also make clear specific policies like “no pets” or “no subletting,” so gain a thorough understanding of it all before taking that final step into securing your college apartment.
The Apartments Near Metro State University Make Your Search an Easy One
If you really want to skip the most common headaches that come with finding that college apartment, you needn’t look further than fine communities like Colab. Nothing difficult to comprehend here, just straightforward, fashionable living spaces and all the resident amenities you need to live your best life in the Mile High City. Be sure to check out everything that comes with calling Colab home, and put it on the top of your list when it comes time to make that move to a space all your own.